The Contract Law course covers the law of contract and the vocabulary needed by lawyers working in this area of law. The course uses video-conference technology to deliver brief online speaking, reading and listening exercises and tasks. The exercises following each lesson include a variety of different multiple choice tasks. These are designed to help participants understand and learn the correct use of the vocabulary through its use in simulated work scenarios that occur in the daily working lives of lawyers in practice. All of your results are retained in our on-line archive which the participants can visit to check the rate of improvement.
The content of the course has been assessed and certified by The CPD Certification Service as confirming to continuing professional development principles. Earn 15 hours of CPD on completion of the course.
Learning Objectives:
You will also gain knowledge and understanding of how the process of advising on contract law matters works.
Contract Law Course Syllabus:
- Course types: Private lessons, Group lessons;
- Course type: Pre-recorded lessons.
Trainer – Richard Brady
Navigation Guide for going through the pre-recorded versions of our courses - click here.
Course includes
Course contents
Contract Law Course Lesson 1
The importance of Contract Law. The vital role that contract law plays in modern democratic society and examples of the type of legal problems which it solves. Duration of the lesson: 9 min 20 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 2
The history and development of Contract law. The history of modern contract law from its origins in ancient Rome through the Middle Ages and how this development impacts upon the practice of contract law in the 21st-century. Duration of the lesson: 30 min 50 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 3
The five essential legal requirements to form a contract - offer and acceptance, consideration, intention to create a contract, and capacity of the parties to contract. The lesson provides an overview of these topics to give a general picture of contract formation before examining them individually in more detail in later lessons. Duration of the lesson: 16 min 30 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 4
Offer in contract law. The first of the 5 requirements to form a contract, what constitutes an offer, how an offer is made, and who it can be directed to. Duration of the lesson: 11 min 11 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 5
Acceptance in contract law. This lesson covers the second requirement of contract formation, which is acceptance of the offer and deals with what is acceptance, and the technical legal rules of acceptance. Duration of the lesson: 21 min 10 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 6
Intention to create contractual obligations between the parties and Capacity to contract. This lesson deals with the requirement that the parties to a contract must intend to be bound by it. It deals with the requirement known as ‘meeting of minds’ showing how and when this occurs and what it means. Duration of the lesson: 34 min 10 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 7
Consideration in contract law. What can amount to ‘something of commercial value’ which must be included in a contract when it is made. Different types of ‘consideration’ and also what is not acceptable ‘consideration’ for the contract. Duration of the lesson: 30 min 30 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 8
Privity of Contract Pt. 1. This lesson deals with the legal doctrine of ‘Privity’, whereby the contract can only provide benefits and obligations between the two parties, and can only be enforced by the parties to the contract. Duration of the lesson: 19 min 35 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 9
Privity of Contract Pt. 2. This lesson covers exceptions to the general rules of ‘Privity of contract’ in relation to benefits given to 3rd parties and modern legislation on this topic. Duration of the lesson: 21 min 50 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 10
Remedies Pt. 1. This lesson covers the main types of remedies which can be obtained from a court for breach of contract. Duration of the lesson: 18 min 05 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 11
Remedies Pt. 2. This lesson deals with the remedies available from a Common Law court under the law of Equity, and the types of court orders which are available to the non-breaching party in a contract dispute. Duration of the lesson: 24 min 20 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 12
Mistake in Contract Law Pt. 1. This lesson deals with the general topic of ‘Mistake’ and covers the legal effects which ‘Unilateral mistakes’, ‘Fundamental mistakes’ and ‘Mutual mistakes’ have on the validity of a contract. Duration of the lesson: 16 min 00 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 13
Mistake in Contract Law Pt. 2. This lesson deals in detail with the topic of ‘Common Mistake’ and deals with the rules and limitations of this legal doctrine. Duration of the lesson: 23 min 00 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 14
Impossible contracts. This lesson deals with the topic of ‘Impossibility’, which governs the situation when the contract is impossible to perform. What are the obligations of the parties and what is the legal position? Duration of the lesson: 12 min 25 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 15
Frustration of Contracts. This lesson deals with the topic of ‘Frustration of contracts’, which covers the situation when the reason or purpose of the contracts changes or disappears. Are the parties still bound by the contract? Duration of the lesson: 16 min 55 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 16
Force Majeure Clauses. This lesson deals with the topic of ‘Overwhelming force’, which prevents the parties from performing the contract. It covers what can constitute ‘Force Majeure’ and the different ways it can affect the obligations of the contract parties. Duration of the lesson: 25 min 10 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 17
Exclusion and Limitation Clauses. This lesson covers the rules, limits and requirements which allow the parties to reduce their liabilities and responsibilities in a contract. It covers the strict requirements which the law imposes on people trying to avoid their responsibilities, through the use of these clauses in a contract. Duration of the lesson: 16 min 25 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 18
Performance of the Contract. This lesson deals with the topic of performance of the obligations of the contract. What constitutes ‘Performance’ and what is the legal position resulting from the performance of the obligations. Duration of the lesson: 17 min 10 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 19
Part Performance and the legal doctrine of ‘Quantum Meruit’. This lesson covers the doctrines of the law of Equity relating to the situation where a contract is only partially performed. What remedies are available to the party who has completed some, but not all, of the work or obligations in a contract? Duration of the lesson: 18 min 55 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 20
Unjust enrichment, quasi-contracts and Equitable relief in Contract Law. This lesson carries on the from the topic of Part performance, to deal with other doctrines under the law of equity relating to remedies for parties who perform obligations when, for some legal technicality, there is either a problem with the contract, or no contract exists. Duration of the lesson: 21 min 05 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 21
Express and implied terms. This lesson covers the obligations and duties in contracts, both those which are written in the contract and those which are not written but are implied into the contract by law. Duration of the lesson: 29 min 20 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 22
The objective test of existence of contracts. This lesson covers the law relating to the tests which law courts will use to decide if a contract exists. Duration of the lesson: 22 min 55 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 23
The Law of agency Pt.1 – Master/servant relationships. What is ‘Agency’ and the different legal rights and obligations of the employer/master and employee/servant, and how this affects their contracts and obligations with third parties. Duration of the lesson: 25 min 35 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 24
The Law of agency Pt. 2 – How agency can come into existence. The different types of agency, the different ways these can come into existence and the differing rights which they give third parties against the principals/masters and agents. Duration of the lesson: 21 min 40 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 25
The Law of agency Pt. 3 – Liability of the Parties and Rules against agents self-dealing. This lesson covers the differing obligations of masters/employers and agents/employees resulting from different types of agency and the rules against agents taking opportunities for profit from their principals. Duration of the lesson: 19 min 16 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 26
Promissory estoppel, unjust enrichment, restitution and moral obligation. Rules of the Law of Equity relating to Contracts and evidence affecting contracts which allow Common law courts to make awards which are fair to the parties when formal contracts may not exist. Duration of the lesson: 19 min 35 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 27
Misrepresentation Pt. 1 – The effect of Misrepresentation. The legal position which exists when one party has been misled into entering into a contract. The legal effect of misrepresenting or providing false information to the other party to the contract. The effect of misrepresentation on the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract. Duration of the lesson: 21 min 15 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 28
Misrepresentation Pt. 2 – Inducement, Fraud, Remedies for misrepresentation. Different types of misrepresentation and the different legal effects including the different remedies which are available to the misled party. Duration of the lesson: 20 min 20 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 29
The effect of fraud, duress, illegality of purpose Pt. 1 – Undue Influence and Duress. The legal definitions and effect of Fraud, Duress, and Illegality of purpose. Their effects on the validity of contracts and the different contract law remedies available to the injured parties. Duration of the lesson: 20 min 40 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 30
The effect of fraud, duress, illegality of purpose Pt. 2 – Incapacity, Illegality and Unconscionability. The legal definitions and effect of Incapacity, Illegality and Unconscionability. Their effects on the validity of contracts and the different contract law remedies available to the injured parties. Duration of the lesson: 17 min 35 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 31
Breach and repudiation of contract Pt. 1 – Main types of Breaches and Repudiation. This lesson deals with the most common ways in which contracts are broken and the different remedies available to the non-breaching parties resulting from the breaches. Duration of the lesson: 15 min 00 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 32
Breach and repudiation of contract Pt. 2 – Anticipatory Brach and ‘Mirror Image’ Repudiation. This lesson deals with the legal position where one party withdraws from the contract before the obligation to perform has arrived. It covers the different rights and remedies available to the non-breaching party. Duration of the lesson: 18 min 25 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 33
Mitigation of Loss. This lesson covers the general legal obligation of the non-breaching contract party to take reasonable steps to reduce their financial loss. What does ‘Reasonable’ mean in the circumstances, and some of the leading precedent cases which are applied in common law countries. Duration of the lesson: 29 min 10 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 34
Remoteness of Damage and Foreseeability of Damage. This lesson covers the legal doctrines of the effects of ‘Remoteness of damage’ and the need for “Foreseeability’ in contract law for the injured party to make a claim against the party which failed to perform the contract. Exceptions to the general rules of ‘Foreseeability. Duration of the lesson: 29 min 40 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 35
Standard structure of a commercial contract. The standard structure, layout and sequence of clauses used in commercial contracts around the world. The meaning and use of some of the technical clauses which are frequently used in contracts. Duration of the lesson: 42 min 50 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 36
Assignment, Delegation and Novation. This lesson deals with the contracting parties rights to assign the benefits, or delegate the duties, of a contract to 3rd parties and includes the situation when new agreements, ‘Novations’ are entered into by the 3rd parties. Duration of the lesson: 30 min 00 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 37
E- Commerce: Shrink-wrap contracts, online contracts. This lesson considers the legal questions raised by contracts made over the Internet and deals with the legal position of the three most common types of computer contracts: Shrink-wrap contracts, Browse-wrap contracts, and Click-through contracts, including some of the leading recent precedent cases in Common law jurisdictions. Duration of the lesson: 23 min 00 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 38
Contracts which must be in writing. This lesson covers the types of contracts which must be in writing to be enforceable and the parties’ differing legal positions when they are not in writing, including the exceptions to the rules of enforceability. Duration of the lesson: 18 min 40 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 39
Parol evidence rule. This lesson covers the complex legal rules relating to what verbal evidence and other information can be provided to court to challenge the wording of a written contract. Duration of the lesson: 26 min 40 sec
Contract Law Course Lesson 40
Judicial rules of interpretation of contracts. This lesson covers the many differing rules of judicial interpretation of the wording of written contracts. Duration of the lesson: 22 min 15 sec
A 15-unit, video-conferencing, interactive course which deals with the essential Legal English words and phrases lawyers need to work effectively in the area of contract law. This includes the legal principles of contract law and deals with breaches, remedies, estoppel, part-performance, restraint of trade, guaranties, indemnities, warranties, conditions and other essential contract law.
The course is provided by 15 lessons of 55 minutes duration, with a further 7 hours of online interactive self-study.
Students can study at their own pace and, although it is recommended that participants limit their study to two units per week, a faster pace of study is available to those who feel capable of covering more than one unit a week.
As some of the other students will almost certainly be in other cities, and even different Countries, we try to agree a mutually convenient time for all the students in the group. We are happy to time the lessons for the weekends, or public holidays, if this is what the students want.
A downloadable workbook with text and exercises.
On-line texts and materials.
On-line exercises.
Course prices
Course type / Syllabus | Video lessons with a lawyer | Homework | Start of a new course* | Course price |
Private Live one-to-one classesSyllabus |
15 private lessons/ 55 min | Twice/week following each class | To be confirmed individually |
US$ 1200 |
Group* Live Broadcasts+Homework+ ConversationSyllabus |
15 group lessons/ 55 min | Twice/week following each class |
Wednesday 9th April 2025 |
US$ 450 |
Pre-recorded Pre-recorded webinarsSyllabus Navigation Guide |
40 lessons/ 10-40 min |
Inter-active quiz following each lesson. Additional exercises with feedback |
Any time |
US$ 249 |
Separate lesson Pre-recorded lessons |
40 lessons/ 10-35 min | Inter-active quiz | Any time |
US$ 15 |
Free trial lesson Pre-recorded lessons |
1 lesson | Inter-active quiz | Any time |
Free |
NOTE: We also recommend the very reasonably priced newly published textbook: ‘Simple Contract Law: A brief introduction to English Contract Law’ by Prof. Mark Watson-Gandy (US$ 9.99), as a supplementary guide to the information in the course. We believe the book to be clear, complete, concise, and easy to understand: https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Contract-Law-introduction-English/dp/1838025200